What do Tabaxi speak?

Tabaxi typically speak Common, which is the widely understood language among humanoid races in many fantasy settings. Common allows Tabaxi characters to communicate with other races and creatures in the world.

Additionally, Tabaxi have their own tabaxi thief unique language called Tabaxi, which is specific to their race. This language is typically described as a series of purrs, growls, hisses, and other feline vocalizations. It is a language that is rich in inflection, tone, and body language. Tabaxi characters may use their own language to communicate with other Tabaxi or to convey more nuanced and specific meanings among their own kind.

In the context of a game like Dungeons & Dragons, both Common and Tabaxi languages can be chosen as known languages for a Tabaxi character during character creation. However, the availability of languages and the specific mechanics may vary depending on the game system or campaign setting being used. It’s always important to consult the rulebooks and discuss language choices with your game master to ensure consistency with the game’s rules and lore.


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